A Light on the Hill

Christmas Angel – knitting pattern

This angel is knitted in sparkly cream, with sparkly mohair wings.

This pattern comes from www.christmasangel.net. Alternative instructions to crochet.

The angels have been designed to be as simple and as flexible as possible so everyone from a beginner to a more advanced knitter can have a go. Feel free to adapt the pattern if you want by adding in different colours or making a larger angel.

If you want a place to start they suggest using size 9 needles with double yarn to knit some of ours.

You will need a basic knowledge of knit and purl to make these angels but don’t let that stop you if you haven’t done it before. Find someone who can teach you and ask them to help you learn a new skill.
And most of all have fun!

What you will need

  • Some wool (Can be all white/cream, or choose complimentary colours for face, gown, wings and/ or halo.)
  • Knitting needles (between size 10-8 (that’s 3.25mm and 4mm))
  • Darning needle (like a big sewing needle)
  • Small amount of stuffing (wadding or cotton wool balls)

The pattern

The body

Cast on 48 sts

  1. Knit row
  2. Purl row
  3. K2TOG, K10*, repeat until end
  4. Purl row
  5. Knit row
  6. P2TOG, P9*, repeat until end
  7. Knit row
  8. Purl row
  9. K2TOG, K8*, repeat until end
  10. Purl row
  11. Knit row
  12. P2TOG, P7*, repeat until end
  13. Knit Row
  14. Purl Row
  15. K2TOG, K6*, repeat until end
  16. Purl row
  17. Knit row
  18. P2TOG, P5*, repeat until end
  19. Knit row
  20. Purl row
  21. K2TOG, K4*, repeat until end – 20 sts
  22. Purl row
  23. Knit row
  24. Purl row
  25. Knit row
  26. Purl row
  27. Knit row
  28. At this point, you can change your colour to create the face if you want.
    Purl row
  29. knit row
  30. Purl row
  31. Knit row
  32. Purl row
  33. Knit row
  34. Purl row
  35. K2TOG – repeat until end
  36. Purl row
  37. Knit row
  38. P2TOG – repeat until end

Using a darning needle, thread the end of the yarn through the stitches and tighten to create the top of the head. Turn the angel inside out and sew up the head and the body. Around the neck, take a small amount of stuffing and place at the top of the head, then thread some yarn between stitches and pull loosely together.

Angel wings

Option 1

Cast on 27 sts

  1. Knit row
  2. Knit row
  3. Decrease at each end (Knit)
  4. Knit
  5. Knit 12 rows, decrease at each end cast off

Option 2 (more advanced)

Wings as they should look using option 2.

The wings are knitted in short rows, with the yarn wrapped around the last stitch in the middle of each ridge. To complete this you need to bring your yarn forward, slip the stitch over purlwise, take the yarn back again, replace the slipped stitch, bring the yarn forward again and turn the work

w&t = wrap & turn

Cast on 9 sts

  • K8, w&t, K8
  • K6, w&t, K6
  • K4, w&t, K4
  • K2, w&t, K2
  • K4, w&t, K4
  • K6, w&t, K6

Repeat these 6 rows, 4-5 times as necessary. Sew wings to the body.