A Poem
From void to substance
I asked myself the other day if ‘void’ was actually ‘nothingness’?
The silent voice I’ve learned to trust boomed back:
‘There never was a time when nothing was.
Before time was, was never nothing.
The eternal and the infinite intersect in spacelessness:
the boundless dot where infinite possibilities swim free,
awaiting to be hooked by human fisher-folk
from pulsing sea of cosmic consciousness.
The sea whose hermaphroditic hallmarks
love and truth
spawn into being all that is.
Connecting all to all with seamless bond
that severs only by the lack of love
and distortions of the truth.
Then on the hook whose bait is yearning
or deep need
creative urges wriggle free.
that in past minds was God’s domain alone.
But now we sense
tis we who hold the trust of shaping what’s to be.
A trust that will not falter when mentored from the seamless sea
of consciousness withoutwithin
the wisdom of the universe with many names
that cultures, creeds, and corrugated zeal
unwittingly pollute,
with tunnel-visioned-certainty,
the at-one-ment yet to be.’
David Kranz 26/2/15
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