From music to cacophony —and back

An opera, when performed, has but one sound—
the fluxing blend of instruments and voice.
The oneness shares two parts
Its measured melding makes its meaning matter.
Such meaning is a metaphor for Life.
The biosphere is also one —
with dissonance between two parts.
The dominance of human half
upon it’s counter-part, our planet home,
has triggered suicidal trends
that those in powerful ranks down-play,
still harvesting residual finite stock of nature’s gifts
beyond its means to favour life—
all spawned from greedy lust for increased wealth
that has become a nightmare for the young.
How telling is the bed-bug called ‘Corona’
whose bite wakens us from sleep to act with speed,
with resolution and resolve to reaffirm the majesty of life
regardless of the cost?
and see it as a practice run to learn a willingness
to sacrifice and share the sacredness of being
in the beauty of resuscitating mother earth.
~ David Kranz (18/3/20)
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