Adults Ministry
The Brougham Place Book Club meets once a month on the last Monday. The meetings are held at 11.00am until 1.00pm. Books chosen are usually novels, selected from a list of multiple copies provided by a local library, and each member reads the same title. At the meeting the book is enthusiastically discussed until lunch is shared and the next month’s book distributed.
The Nomads House Group is an activity of the Brougham Place Uniting Church offering participants a supporting atmosphere in which to develop and share their Christian faith through free and open group discussion. We strive for a deepening of our Christian faith, so that God’s presence can be revealed in our lives.
We meet at 6.30pm for a shared meal on the last Wednesday of the month. Our program follows at 7.30pm.
Subtle Bricks are an amateur theatre company. While many of the group are members at Brougham Place, we are not a group that are exclusive to this congregation. Other members are scattered around the city with connections to other Uniting Church congregations.
We meet as a house group weekly to rehearse and hold studies. Our writing often comes out of the themes of these studies and the theological reflection of our lay and ordained people.
We are a group of diverse ages with the performers and writers varying in age from 12 to 53 years. We seek opportunities to enrich worship with dramatic readings and scripts to broaden the experience in worship.
Home Group@Herns meets on the second Wednesday of each month from February. They gather to discuss theology, current events and the journey of life.