Good Friday Children’s Activity
Over Easter, we think about Jesus, God’s Son. On Good Friday, we hear the story of when Jesus died. This is a sad time, and often in church we are quiet and reflective. On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus coming alive again, bringing new hope and the promise of new life for us.
This activity includes the Bible Readings that tell the story of when Jesus died. In your own time at home, you can look up these readings and respond with the activities.

You will need: Bible, hot cross buns; patty pans x2; scissors; green pipe cleaner; colouring pencils; cardboard; stickers; brown pipe cleaners x2; pop sticks x2; white pipe cleaner; nail; tea candle; 1 large stone; 7 small stones. Or you might find other items around your home to use.
The Last Supper – Mark 14:10-13, 16-26
Jesus met with his disciples for the last time, over supper. Jesus held up some bread and a cup, gave thanks to God and said: “Whenever you eat and drink together, remember me.”
Eat your buns together
with your family and remember these events.

The Garden of Gethsemane – Matthew 26:36–46
After supper they went out to a garden where Jesus prayed. That night was a confusing one, and in the dark of night, guards came and arrested Jesus.
Make a paper flower to remind you of the garden. Cut one patty pan to be slightly smaller than the other, then colour in the centre of the smaller patty pan. Make a small hole in both patty pans with the point of a pencil. Twist the green pipe cleaner into a knot, about 2cm from one end. Poke this end through both patty pans and twist again to hold it in place.

Make a paper flower to remind you of the garden. Cut one patty pan to be slightly smaller than the other, then colour in the centre of the smaller patty pan. Make a small hole in both patty pans with the point of a pencil. Twist the green pipe cleaner into a knot, about 2cm from one end. Poke this end through both patty pans and twist again to hold it in place.
Peter’s Denial – Matthew 26:69-75
Jesus’ followers thought they would get into trouble for being his friend. They said they did not know who he was.
Jesus before Pilate – Matthew 27:11-14, 20-26
Pilate was the governor of that area. He tried to find what Jesus had done wrong. Jesus was accused of calling himself King of the Jews.
Cut out a cardboard crown,
and decorate it with pencils and stickers.

Pilate made a crown for Jesus out of thorny branches, and put a purple robe on him to tease him for being the King of the Jews.
Twist the brown pipe cleaners into a crown of thorns.

Jesus on the cross – Matthew 27: 27-44

Jesus was sentenced to death on a cross, which was how criminals were punished in those days.
Place one pop stick on top of the other to form the shape of a cross, and tie them together with the white pipe cleaner.
Hold the nail, and feel how sharp it is.
It makes us feel sad to know people treated Jesus in this way. But Jesus still showed love to the people who were hurting him.

Jesus dies on the cross – Luke 23:44-46
While Jesus was dying, the sun disappeared and the whole land was dark.
Ask an adult to help you light your candle. Put it in a safe place. Remember that Jesusis the light of the world, and overcame the darkness.

These events made people feel very sad. Sometimes we talk of our sadness and burdens weighing us down. Hold your large stone in your hand. How heavy does it feel? Does it weigh your hand down?
Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

Arrange your small stones into the shape of a cross, remembering that Jesus can lighten our loads.
Spend some time thinking quietly about the story of Good Friday. Talk about anything you don’t understand with your family.
And remember that on Sunday we will celebrate with Easter Eggs the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, and the new life that brings.
Adapted from a Good Friday Children’s At Home Activity Kit developed by the SA Synod 2023
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