Mary’s Heart Song

Love’s deepest love implanted in my heart,
By God above – for me to play my part.
Must I face ridicule and people’s scorn,
If from my maiden body this gift of God be born?
Implanted in my womb through mystery of love,
This child of promise formed – by Spirit from above.
Perplexed I bow in awe of this God’s power and might,
Who chose a stable for his Son to come at dead of night!
Can this be true? Did Gabriel speak with me?
And yet I know that this was meant to be.
Still I remember Joseph transfixed with awe,
As shepherds came and knocked on stable door.
They spoke of sky ablaze with angel light,
Of heaven’s splendour and peace for earth that night.
A thousand bells would not ring out so true,
For humbleness is gift of God – I knew.
Creator God whose word brought all to life,
With power beyond all we will ever know,
Chose powerlessness and poverty to show
That Divine Love, which will this world ignite,
Must come in childlike form in quietness of night.
O kingdom come! – For centuries they pray!
Yet it has come in mystery this day!
For though my body young and fragile be,
God’s Son as GIFT OF LOVE will live through me.
(c) Gillies Ambler, 2019
One Response to “Mary’s Heart Song”
A tender reflection of the wonder and awe of the Christmas story. It speaks to all of us of our God who works within and through us all.