A Light on the Hill

Order of Service – 23rd April 2023

The Order of Service follows below.

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Kardlayirdi Karnungga
The light on the hill

Easter 3
April 23, 2023
Preacher: Rev Dr Greg Elsdon

We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional carers of the land on which our church is built.



Lighting of the Candles and Introit

O for a Closer Walk with God – (traditional)

Call to Worship

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognising him.

Life-Giving God, we praise you!
Risen Christ, we greet you!

Seen and unseen, Christ, you walk with us, and we open our hearts to your presence.
Alleluia! Come, Beloved, and feed us with your grace. Alleluia!


We Sing: Christ is Alive with Joy We Sing

  1. Christ is alive, with joy we sing;
    we celebrate our risen Lord,
    praising the glory of his name.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  2. He is the grain of wheat that died,
    sown in distress and reaped in joy,
    yielding a harvest of new life.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  3. He is the sun which brings the dawn:
    he is the light of all the world,
    setting us free from death and sin.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  4. He is the vine set in the earth,
    sharing our life, from birth to death,
    that we might share in God’s own life.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  5. He is the bread that comes from God,
    broken to feed us in our need,
    given to bring eternal life.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  6. Christ is alive, with joy we sing;
    we celebrate our risen Lord,
    praising the glory of his name.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Together in Song 393. Pamela Stotter 1944- Words from Australian Catholic Worship Book by permission P Stotter.

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance

God, we give thanks, that as the risen Christ walked with the disciples on the road to Emmaus he opened the scriptures to them, in order to deepen their understanding and their trust.
Help us to hear what you are saying to us today.

Christ journeyed with his disciples to share their lives.
Help us be mindful of your presence with as us we worship,
and as we walk through our daily lives. Amen

Passing of the Peace

The peace of our God be with you.
And also with you.

Introduction – Rev Dr Greg Elsdon

Community News and Notices

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Children’s Time

Children may go downstairs for Sunday School. Parents, you are welcome to join your child in Sunday School if you feel your child may need your assistance. Alternatively, you may wish for your child to remain with you for the duration of worship. Activity packs are available at the entrances.

Choral Anthem

On the Journey to Emmaus – Marty Haugen

Scripture Readings: Luke 24:13-35

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened.

While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, ‘What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?’ They stood still, looking sad.

Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, ‘Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?’ He asked them, ‘What things?’ They replied, ‘The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.

Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place. Moreover, some women of our group astounded us. They were at the tomb early this morning, and when they did not find his body there, they came back and told us that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who said that he was alive. Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but they did not see him.’ Then he said to them, ‘Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.

As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them.

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying, ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!’ Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.

The Gospel of Christ, Light of the world.
Thanks be to God.


We Sing: The Summons

  1. Will you come and follow me
    if I but call your name?
    Will you go where you don’t know
    and never be the same?
    Will you let my love be shown,
    will you let my name be known,
    will you let my life be grown
    In you and you in me?

  2. Will you leave yourself behind
    if I but call your name?
    Will you care for cruel and kind
    and never be the same?
    Will you risk the hostile stare
    should your life attract or scare?
    Will you let me answer prayer
    in you and you in me?

  3. Will you let the blinded see
    if I but call your name?
    Will you set the prisoners free
    and never be the same?
    Will you kiss the leper clean,
    and do such as this unseen,
    and admit to what I mean
    in you and you in me?

  4. Will you love the ‘you’ you hide
    if I but call your name?
    Will you quell the fear inside
    and never be the same?
    Will you use the faith you’ve found
    to reshape the world around
    through my sight and touch and sound
    in you and you in me?

  5. Lord, your summons echoes true
    when you but call my name.
    Let me turn and follow you
    and never be the same.
    In your company I’ll go
    where your love and footsteps show.
    Thus I’ll move and live and grow
    in you and you in me.

All Together OK 413. Words and music: The Iona Community © 1987. Open Book Publishers. All rights reserved. ONE LICENSE. License #A‑604444.


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Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

…And now with the confidence of the children of God, let us pray the prayer Jesus taught us saying:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen.

We Sing: Walkin’ Down the Road

  1. When the day has begun,
    And the darkness is done,
    And my eyes see the sky so blue;
    I put on my clothes,
    I’m ready to go
    Walkin’ down the road with you.

    So I’m walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road with you;
    Yes, walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road
    Walkin’ down the road with you.

  2. You know how it goes,
    When I’m walkin’ the road,
    I’m a child, everything seems new.
    I trip, hurt my knees,
    Lose my way in the trees,
    So I’m walkin’ down the road with you.

    So I’m walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road with you;
    Yes, walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road
    Walkin’ down the road with you.

  3. You can see where to go,
    Feel the wind as it blows,
    In the day and the night-time too.
    You know when to run,
    When to rest in the sun,
    So I’m walkin’ down the road with you.

    So I’m walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road with you;
    Yes, walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road
    Walkin’ down the road with you.

  4. O stay by my side,
    Jesus, you be my guide,
    Don’t you know how I trust in you.
    Show me where I should call,
    Pick me up when I fall,
    As I’m walkin’ down the road with you.

    So I’m walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road with you;
    Yes, walkin’ down the road,
    Walkin’ down the road
    Walkin’ down the road with you.

Altogether Now 87. © Robin Mann, All rights reserved. ONE LICENSE. License #A‑604444.

Sending Forth and Benediction

Choral Blessing: Irish Blessing

Bob Chilcott


Come and share morning tea together, downstairs in the basement