Abide in God
This week’s reading and Jenni’s sermon prompted me to think of hermit crab architecture. Stay with me here… Artist Aki Inomata creates exquisite homes for hermit…
This week’s reading and Jenni’s sermon prompted me to think of hermit crab architecture. Stay with me here… Artist Aki Inomata creates exquisite homes for hermit…
Wish I were better In so many ways. The stuff behind the veil. The small boy, Still peering from behind The door left Slightly ajar. Travelled…
Cry for freedom Dedicated to my Uncle, Colin Terrace, who participated in the D-Day landing, Normandy, World War 2 Hear the cry for freedom Above the…
Too long I have wandered the city’s deserted streets: Whispering from corner to corner, “Are You here Lord?” In the after-hours hush of darkened office corridors:…
Join us for the Lenten Journey through reflection written in community.
Over the last eight months or so, I have focussed heavily on reviewing the evolution of my faith. I’m logging my reflections and conclusions in two parts. I…
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” —Psalm 23:5 Psalm 23 is one of my favourite Bible chapters. I can recite…
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. – Matthew 6:26 God inspires me each morning…
We talk about deserts very lightly – but then if we stop to think, our fears are very close – what if we run out of…
Do you donate corn, beetroot and a packet of pasta every year? Nothing wrong with that! This year “10 Things a Food Pantry Needs but…
This is one of the Stewardship stories in 2016. It was shared by Peter Subramaniam. When Catherine and I moved to Adelaide 15 years ago, we…
Thank you so much for supporting the fundraiser for Brougham Place to become a Silver Friend of this organization. Reconciliation has both symbolic and practical elements.…