Perspectives on ‘TRUTH’ — through five windows

What it is — what it does — why it is important — where it applies — how to ‘do’ it.
This is how I’ve come to see it. We live on planet Earth in what is known to be a unified, self-aware universe[1]. It has a Mind that is fully conscious of all that is. The dynamism of universal Mind is Love —grounded in Truth. Pioneer researchers of that Consciousness recognised the divinity of that dynamic and dubbed it ‘The Mind of God’. It is ‘more absolute’ than the anthropomorphic God of organised religion[2]. Our individual human minds are nested in the oneness of this universal Mind[3], but most of the time our egos mask that awareness by kidding us that we are separate entities in competition with others. Truth knows otherwise.
What Truth is —and what it’s not
Truth’ is the verifiable, abiding certainty that all wisdoms sourced from Universal Mind are enduring, trustworthy and absolute. The verification is assured when our ‘little m’ human mind resonates with ‘big M’ Universal mind. In that state we ‘know’ the truth— unquestionably. It’s self-evident—axiomatic! Other definitions and synonyms for ‘truth’ are appended.
‘Facts’, however ‘real’, are not necessarily ‘Truths’. The term ‘truth’ is frequently mis-used to describe individual perceptions of culturally conditioned ‘facts’, cherished ‘beliefs’, committed ‘ideologies’, conclusions based on limited knowledge, and the like, that lack enduring Universal endorsement. Such ‘truths’ become individual or collective ‘realities’ that fall short of absolutes.
What Truth does
Truth offers a ‘wisdom map’ as a guide to optimise the joy and contribution of living fully.
Truth motivates those who trust and pursue it. It ‘niggles’ at those who ignore, fear, or avoid it.
It goes a bit like this. It is a truth that all human minds are integral aspects of the one Universal Mind. It’s a fact, however, that for most of the time, we do stuff ‘our way’. Our minds then tend to overlook their active link with Universal mind. We enjoy the freewill that we have to try stuff out! It works pretty well—until we somehow ‘get stuck’ doing things ‘my way’. Universal Mind knows what’s wrong—knows what’d fix it— respects our gift of freedom to choose — so doesn’t let on — but wants us to know. We want resolution —we’re unsettled. The ‘niggling’ we experience is the tension between True Wisdom and non-productive partiality. True answers emerge when we are in receptive mood. The wisdom that we need will be the Truth that sets us free. It can come in a dream. It can come as an insight as an ‘Aha’ moment. It can come by simply asking.
Truth empowers. Successful kinesiological diagnoses are made by discriminating differences in the strength of muscles. For example, if I laterally extend my arm and say, ‘My name is David’, a friend applying downward pressure on my arm would notice greater resistance than if I’d said ‘My name is Roger (or any name other than David). The stronger resistance verifies the truth that my name is David. The applications are legion.
Why Truth is important
If we intentionally seek to ‘download’ and apply wisdom-based possibilities from Universal Mind (the Mind of God) thensuch awareness will prompt contribution to the evolutionary process so that such progression will foster increasing equilibrium within, and between, inhabitants and habitat, towards ultimate perfection.
Where Truth applies
We are all free to choose how we live. But as we see it, there is no conceivable circumstance, or possible outcome, that could be enhanced by the withholding, denial, or distortion of wisdom truths. In our view, pursuit of truth appeals as the best life choice. Its applications are boundless.
How to live Truth
We have explored two ways of determining truth by (1) experiencing ‘resonance’ and (2) by different modes of kinesiological ‘muscle testing’ Let’s expand on these.
1. Resonance: mind to Mind
Recall the claim that there is only one Mind and that it is the true source of all wisdom. Recall the claim that every human mind is nested in, and has access to, the wisdoms of its host. Recall that human preoccupation with pursuits of the ‘ego’ effectively masks immediate access to universal wisdom. Access is restored when ego is over-ridden by conscious intention to seek an ‘insight’ from our mind’s library— big M, so to speak. We each need to find our way of suspending ego. Vicky is able to ‘visualise’ very powerfully and ‘go to a favourite ‘beauty spot’ with a ‘loving connection’. In that space she becomes aware of her ‘oneness’ with ‘all that is’. It’s a loving presence. David is less visual but very kinaesthetic. He likes movement. His strategy is to imagine a ‘lift’ in his head. He pushes the button to go down two floors. He feels the lift go through the ‘throat’ floor then stop with a gentle sensation at the ‘heart’ floor. The ‘Mind of God’ is on this floor. In that place he becomes aware of his oneness with his ‘oneness’, with ‘all that is’. It’s a loving presence. In the stillness of that presence we know that we that we are fully known and loved. There are no guarantees, but somewhere between sixty and seventy percent of the time, what needs to happen happens—what needs to be known become known—what needs to be confirmed is confirmed. Minds are in resonance. Resonance creates energy. A small energy surge is detectable in the body. David feels it in his belly. Vicky expresses it with tears. We don’t know all the rules yet— but it’s a game worth playing. It seems that we all may have a different approach to co-mingling into the loving presence of oneness.
2. Muscle testing
Recall the claim that ‘Truth strengthens’, and that simple muscle testing can reveal whether a statement is true or not. My earlier example went like this.

We frequently use a simple ‘pendulum’ to test the truth or falsity of a statement or a question. It rotates either clockwise or anti-clockwise to indicate either ‘true’ or false. In our case clockwise rotation indicates ‘true’ and anticlockwise indicates ‘false. For some people the reverse is true. Once established, the polarities are consistent for the individual.
What seems to happen is that, without the ‘operator’ sensing it, one’s body muscles weaken or stay strong to reflect the subtle energy field that encodes the falsity or truth to the answer known to Universal Mind. There are some restraints to take into account with this approach depending on the level of one’s personal ‘consciousness of consciousness’.
You can see more of these strategies in a youtube, ‘The Mind of God and Me’
The first method is from 45.16 to 47.5 mins. The pendulum strategy from 52.49 to 58.31.
The table between these segments, and its reappearance after the second segment, gives a context that helps understand their significance and why one’s level of consciousness of consciousness may influence the accuracy of the pendulum tests in some instances.
These personal reflections are an attempt to describe Truth in operational terms that incorporate the scientific evidence of ‘one mind’, its relevance, implications and applications. They are partial. There are mysteries yet to unfold.
David Kranz & Vicky Sanders, 19/8/20
Dictionary definitions of truth
Truth is:
- the true or actual state of a matter.
- conformity with fact or reality; verity.
- a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like.
- the state or character of being true.
- actuality or actual existence.
- an obvious or accepted fact, truism, platitude.
- ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience.
- agreement with a standard or original.
- accuracy, as of position or adjustment.
- honesty, sincerity, truthfulness’
- Archaic. fidelity or constancy
A range of dictionaries cover various but similar definitions. Ask me if that’s dinkum, and I’ll assure you that it’s ridgy didge.

[1] Goswami, Amit. 1995, The Self-Aware Universe, Penguin Putnam, New York.
[2] Goswami, Amit. 2012, God is not dead, Hampton Road Publishing, Charlottesville, VA
[3] Dossey, Larry, 2013, One Mind, Hay House. U.S.
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