Season of Creation 2024 Actions

You are invited to try one or more of the following as Spiritual Disciplines during the Season of Creation:
- Sign up for Common Grace’s Season of Creation Bible Study Series:
- Join the Environmental Action Conversation at the Effective Living Centre on 11 September 7:30 pm. The Environmental Action Group has been working with SA Synod Justice to develop a plan to move towards Net Zero emissions for our church. Season of Creation is a timely season to be hearing the learnings from their pilot project that has been running this past year. Their insights will help us all continue to move forward in our care for the environment.
Book online here:
Read more about the project here:
- Take the Common Grace Climate Challenge. Take action this September to reduce your ecological foot print, and help raise awareness and funds for urgent climate action.
- Join our Social Justice and Action Group as we participate in the Week of Climate Action organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, from the 14th to the 24th September.
- Invite a friend to our Blessing of the Animals Service on Sunday 29 September
- Read the Assembly’s Net Zero Emissions Steering Group collection of good news stories. Examples of different efforts across the church to move toward a more sustainable future. - Read ‘Laudato si’, Pope Francis’s 2015 Encyclical on “care for our common home.” This is one of three ecumenical documents which the Uniting Church Assembly has just agreed to recognising as a ‘continuing witness’ to the Gospel of Jesus Christ for us to receive and learn from.
- Go for a listening walk. Use your senses to connect with what is happening around you. Listen as part of Creation. At Springtime there are lots of signs of hope if you look.
Take a rubbish bag and gloves and collect rubbish along the way. - Do a daily devotion, making use of the resource from the Queensland Churches Environment Network: a beautiful series with contributions from Christians across many denominations in Queensland and beyond. Download here:
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