A Light on the Hill

Season of Creation Prayers

A Collection of Season of Creation Prayers from the Brougham Place Community

The following prayers were written by those present during worship at one of our Worship Stations, set up during the Season of Creation, September 2024. The idea came from a workshop on writing prayers, presented by Rev Anne Hewitt at the CMLA (Centre for Music Liturgy and the Arts) Leadership event, “Sing a New Song” in September 2024.

Thank you Brougham Place community for these responses to the Season of Creation 2024.

Dear Father of Humankind,
The creator of all.
We confess we have manipulated “dominion over nature” to abuse it.
May we realise we are part of nature,
not above it,
that we come home when we are out in nature.
For you are the wonderful, nurturing, caring gardener in us all.

Spirit of God,
blowing through the trees
whistling through shrubs and reeds
awaken us to the cries of the earth
remind us that we are part of Creation
So that we can be mindful of the needs of all the Earth.
For you are ever present with us,
always making things new.
Thankyou! And Amen!

Creator God
All in All
Empower us all
to act with gentleness and creativity towards our fragile earth.
For you are compassion itself towards your whole creation.

Creator God
who is awesome and understanding of the needs of every part of creation,
we realise that our decisions and actions in the past have caused damage to the physical environment, to all living plants and animals and to each other.
Inspire us to take action to restore the connections/relationships with all of creation.
Guide us and embolden us, O Lord.

We praise and worship you
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We confess our need for your guidance and assistance in our everyday lives.
Help us to go out into the world.
Our Lord and Saviour.

Dear Lord,
Our Father, Our Guide, Our Protector,
Help us to remember our role as guardians of the Earth.
Let us love each other, love and protect the creatures of the earth and sea, love our earth and use its resources wisely and sparingly.
For you are always with us,
to guide our actions.
Thank you, Lord.
In the name of your son, who you sent to make the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Creator of all
wonderous and mighty,
thank you for all the world’s beauty and majesty.
We value what we have
For you are capable of all things

Creator God
who is present in all of creation,
Thank you for awe-some skies that remind us of your grandeur
For stars that remind us of hope in times of darkness
For sunrises that signify opportunities to bring justice and peace.
In all these things may we orient ourselves to you, to your love, so that we may connect with all of creation.
For you are love. You are hope. You are life.

Protector of green space
Carer of our natural world
you have provided us with all the natural areas we need.
We need to protect and preserve space for us to breathe.
Protect our open green space from greedy development.
For you are the protector of us all.

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