Stewardship 2020/21

This year has been a really strange one. We have all had to learn about physical distancing, hand sanitiser and how to wear a mask. We have had times when we have had to self-isolate and stay home. There have been losses in this year of pandemic.
It has also been a time of reflection and refinement on what really matters to us most. Our connections have been sources of light, life and love. We are Connected by Grace to God and one another.
This Stewardship Season (1st to the 15th November), we will continue to explore these connections and celebrate the ways in which our community has been sustaining and enriching.
This year our Stewardship Season is also moving online! You can access the following things that will help you to make your response in faith:
- the Response Sheet for 2020/2021. Please use this to indicate where and how you would like to be involved and what your gifts to the ministry of the church will be. Response Sheet available here.
- the Sharing in Community outline of all the ministry areas is available online at
- the Online Giving information is also available on the Brougham Place website at You can make your gifts through online banking, e(give), or by credit card.
In this Stewardship Season, let us join together, Connected by Grace as we live out our faith.
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