A Light on the Hill

What Difference Does it Make?

“I want my two new grandsons to grow up in a world where men are emotionally intelligent, sensitive, caring, kind and resolve conflict by sitting down and talking, rather than fighting. …perhaps we can build the culture that we want for the future.”

The following is an email sent to Uniting Church SA and Uniting College staff in May 2024, from Mark Waters, Director of UnitingCare SA. It is shared here with Mark’s permission.

Thursday May 2nd, 2024

Dear Colleagues

I have chosen to wear all black today.

For decades, the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) have supported a campaign called Thursdays in Black (please see the link below).


Well, we are at a time in Australia where it seems appropriate to re-activate this campaign.

It is a campaign against gendered rape and violence.

It is sometimes hard to know what we can personally do when faced with huge issues life Domestic and Family Violence or the war in the Ukraine.

But we can take a personal stand and act accordingly.

I want my two new grandsons to grow up in a world where men are emotionally intelligent, sensitive, caring, kind and resolve conflict by sitting down and talking, rather than fighting.

So, if by wearing black, it promotes discussion or invites a question, slowly we can shape attitudes around us.

I will try to keep wearing black on Thursdays for as long as is necessary; it is a bit like the red band on my wrist (ask me about that some time too).

And for those that can’t stand black – there are badges that can be produced to reflect the campaign so that this too will invite the conversation.

So “What Difference Does it Make?”. Well, it might not change things for May 3rd tomorrow, but over time as more people take a stand, perhaps we can build the culture that we want for the future.

It will be a weekly reminder that we’ve got to keep building a safer and fairer world.

Go gently,

~ Mark Waters, 2024

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