
Our gathered worship happens on Sunday mornings at 10am. This includes Sunday School and Children’s Time in worship.

We are a diverse community, we have a tradition of the love of inquiry and the belief that there is ‘yet more light and truth’ to be discovered in the word of God. Our worship reflects this.

We look quite formal. We have an old building, our choir wears robes, and we tend to use a traditional form of liturgy. But we delight in creativity and seek inspiration from the Spirit so we may offer life-affirming, authentic worship each Sunday.

We believe in the Uniting Church’s ethos that every member has a role in ministry and encourage all our community members to contribute to our worshiping life. We love the arts – music, drama, visual arts, creative writing – our artists enrich Sunday morning worship in a variety of ways. We encourage our children, youth and young adults to participate as much as they can. We cherish the contribution of our older members.

Special services are held for the Seasons of Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, the Season of Creation and many more.


Click here for more information about Baptisms at Brougham Place.

Online Worship

The services are streamed each week and available online. Click here to view past services.

Music and the Arts

Click here for more information about Music and the Arts in worship.