A Light on the Hill

Church Council Regulations

The Responsibilities of the Church Council and the criteria for membership are both outlined in the Regulations of the Uniting Church of which Regulations 3.1.2, 3.3.1 and 3.32 from the August 2019 revision are reproduced below.


  1. The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world. This priority shall be reflected in the agenda of its ordinary meetings.
  2. The responsibilities of the Church Council include:
    1. sharing with the Minister(s) in mission and in the pastoral care and spiritual oversight of the Congregation;
    2. nurturing the members and adherents in their growth in grace;
    3. making decisions in accordance with the Regulations concerning baptism, confirmation and membership, and the keeping and reviewing of the rolls of the Congregation; (See Part 1 of these Regulations)
    4. assisting the Minister(s) in the conduct of worship and in the administration of the sacraments;
    5. determining the time and place of services of public worship;
    6. carrying out its functions in accordance with the Regulations concerning applicants for the specified ministries;
    7. managing the financial affairs and the general administration of the Congregation including the reception, preparation and presentation of all necessary budgets, statements and reports;
    8. arranging for audit, presentation and examination of the accounts of all the funds of the Congregation; (See Reg. 3.8.7)
    9. managing and controlling property in accordance with the Regulations; (See Reg. 4.4.1)
    10. preparing and presenting to a meeting of the Congregation an annual report concerning the life and work of the Congregation including its worship, mission and service, and making recommendations with regard to the program for the ensuing year;
    11. exercising oversight of the appointment of officers and leaders of Congregational organisations;
    12. referral of matters to Presbytery as prescribed;
    13. discipline of members (See Reg. 5.1.2 – 5.2.5);
    14. carrying out its functions in relation to Ministers-in-Association (See Reg. 2.11.1).


  1. The membership of the Church Council shall consist of:
    1. the Ministers, Youth Workers and Lay Pastors who are serving in approved placements in the Congregation;
    2. subject to Regulation 2.9.4(b), Pastors serving within the Congregation;
    3. Community Ministers and candidates for Community Minister who are serving in community ministry in the Congregation;
    4. Ministers, being members of the Congregation, who are Ministers- in-Association in accordance with Regulation 2.11.1;
    5. subject to paragraph (b), Elders;
    6. other confirmed members or members-in-association elected by the Congregation (See Reg. 3.9.1(b) and (c))

Subject to paragraph (b), the Church Council may co-opt not more than two other confirmed members or members-in-association of the Congregation to membership of the Church Council for such term not exceeding two years as the Church Council shall determine.

  1. Unless the Presbytery authorises otherwise, Elders shall be members of the Church Council and shall comprise at least one half of the membership of the Church Council.


  1. In electing Elders and Church Councillors, the Congregation shall recognise and appoint confirmed members or members-in-association who are endowed with gifts fitting them for the responsibilities of the office.
  2. Election shall be by written ballot in a meeting of the Congregation. Prior notice of intention to hold such a ballot must be given and the names of nominees shall be publicly announced at least two weeks prior to the ballot being held.
  3. The meeting shall declare to be elected only such persons as receive the support of a majority of those participating in the ballot, or such higher percentage of those participating in the ballot as the Congregation may have determined prior to the call for nominations.
  4. The maximum number of Elders and other Church Councillors to be elected, in addition to any Elders holding life tenure, shall be determined by the Congregation from time to time after advice from the Church Council.
  5. Elders and other Church Councillors shall be set apart by prayer in a service of worship conducted by the Minister of the Congregation, or if unavailable, by another person appointed by the Presbytery to perform this duty.
  6. The term of office of an Elder and an elected Church Councillor is for such period from one to five years as is stipulated by the nominee and for which period the person is then elected by the Congregation. At the expiry of the term the Elder or Church Councillor shall be eligible for re-election.