Giving - Frequently Asked Questions
- This document was circulated at the special meeting of the congregation on 30th March 2014
- 1 Where does the money go?
- 2 What is beyond regular giving
- 3 How can I contribute?
- 4 Why give electronically?
- 5 Why use envelopes?
- 6 Why contribute through loose offering?
- 7 Why use planned giving?
- 8 How much should I give?
- 9 How do people decide how much to give?
- 10 Where has Brougham Place come from financially?
- 11 A brief statement about where we are going from the Treasurer....
Where does the money go?
The offering received (electronically or on a Sunday morning) supports the mission of Brougham Place Uniting Church and the wider church.
- BPUC ministries include:
- Ministry with Children
Raising our children in love and faith. We provide resources for effective ministry with children on Sundays and when attending wider church events (eg— KCO). We create spaces of love and nurture, and equipping leaders and parents for the task. - Ministry with Youth and Young Adults
Journeying alongside our youth and young adults as they venture out in faith. We gathering together to read the Bible, share our stories and pray. We also gather during the week for fun events and service projects. Growth opportunities include conferences (SAYCO, NCYC). - Ministry with Adults
Exploring life and faith together as a community. We gather together in house groups and small groups to ask questions, listen to one another, and pray. We seek to learn and grow both individually and as the Body of Christ. - Worship
Joining together as a community in song scripture, sacrament and prayer. We share in a rich music ministry through choir, instrumentalists and music with children and youth. We explore faith through drama and dance, art and liturgy. This includes the contributions of The Music and Arts Development Committee, the Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts and the Worship Committee. - Caring for People
As a community of faith we share in each other's lives. We seek to support each other in all that life brings. Through the hospitality ministry we seek to embrace all people and to live out the call of God to invite others into the life and mission of God in the world. - Physical Resources
Caring responsibly for the gifts entrusted to us. We maintain and preserve this sacred space for worship, mission and outreach.
- Ministry with Children
- Supporting the work of the wider Uniting Church in South Australia
- Mission and Service Fund
Provides vital financial support to every aspect of our church's mission. This includes Uniting College, Uniting Care Commission, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, Pastoral Relations, Multicultural ministry, Solidarity and Justice work, Children and Youth ministries (includes KCO and SAYCO), among many others. Congregations and Faith Communities make a significant contribution to the work of the wider church through allocating 9% of their monies received to the Presbytery and Synod Mission and Service Fund. - Urban Mission Network
All congregations are part of ministry networks. Brougham Place is part of the Urban Mission Network which supports ministers, network communities, new initiatives, and mission outreach. 1% of Brougham Place giving goes to support this network.
- Mission and Service Fund
What is beyond regular giving
- Bequests
A bequest is a gift detailed in a will. It can be as little or as large as wanted. It can be a monetary amount, a percentage of an estate, or the balance of an estate (after an estate has made provision for family, friends, and other specific considerations). A Living Bequest is an opportunity to see the fruits of a gift during one's lifetime. Some people are financially able to give their gift to the church prior to their passing. - Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee seeks to raise additional funds for special projects for mission and for the building. - Green fund
The Green Fund was established mindful of our responsibility to the environment. It is a special fund contributed to by members in an effort to offset carbon footprint through air travel and other conscious efforts. Current balance (as of 30th of March 2014) $1248. - National trust and building fund
This is a tax-deductible fund held by the National Trust. It is an Off Balance Sheet fund to contribute towards Building maintenance. Current balance (as of 30th of March 2014) $2150. - Noisy Buckets
The offering received in a Noisy Bucket goes towards specific appeals beyond the congregation. These have included: bush fire relief, international mission, tsunami appeals, support of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. - Special Appeals
Sometimes special appeals are held to support a specific ministry or outreach. These include Kids Camp Out (KCO), South Australian Youth Camp Out (SAYCO), Lent Event, and Christmas Bowl Appeal.
How can I contribute?
- Electronically
- By using UC Invest E-Give form. Funds are direct debited from your account monthly. A UC Invest E-Give form can be downloaded from — drop down menu "Give" ( or the church office.
- By direct transfer from your banking account to the church's account.
- Direct Transfer Information
Acct Name: Brougham Place Parish Account
BSB: 105 022
Acct: 061147940
Please use "your surname + giving" as reference
- Direct Transfer Information
- Envelopes - supplied quarterly by and placed in offering plate on a regular basis. To request envelopes please contact the church office.
- Loose offering - Cash contributed when you attend worship.
Why give electronically?
- Giving electronically is a guaranteed method of giving ensuring that we do not forget our commitment to our church when we are unable to attend worship or in this greater cashless society come to worship without cash on our person.
Why use envelopes?
- Envelopes also remind us of our regular commitment to our church as we systematically use each envelope provided. It is used by those who plan ahead.
Why contribute through loose offering?
- Contributing through loose offering maintains our anonymity but can also be a specific or impulsive response or call. It is challenging to create an annual budget and plan for mission and outreach based on loose offering alone. However, it is an opportunity for visitors, new comers and regular givers to contribute to the life and ministry of the church.
Why use planned giving?
- Planned giving is our annual pledge towards the operating budget. Planned giving is for the church what it means for each of us having some surety of our income enabling relevant decisions to be made regarding our expenditure.
How much should I give?
- The amount we each give is a very personal expression of our devotion and acknowledgement that we are giving back part of what God has first given to us. Some people use the Biblical tradition of tithing as a guide while others spend time with a financial planner or time in prayer when considering personal giving.
How do people decide how much to give?
- One option is tithing. Like a lot of Biblical interpretation it is open to variation of views. The most common held view is that tithing represented ten percent of income. Is it before tax or after tax, before salary sacrifice etc.? The calculation is not the issue but rather are we prepared to set aside a portion of our gifts and give it to God? Rather than leaving God the small change and giving out of guilt we are encouraged to give joyfully and in response to God's love and generosity. The story of the Widow's mite reminds us of that fact. She had little and gave all that she had quietly and privately. The wealthier members of the Temple gave only what was left after their pleasures had been satisfied and then did it publicly for personal recognition. However much we offer it is significant. All pledges are kept confidential. Only the recorder and treasurer know the details of any pledge or bequest. We are encouraged to consider this an act of faithful Christian discipleship.
Where has Brougham Place come from financially?
- Over the past decade the church has experienced annual growth in income from $110,000 in 2003 to $204,652 in 2013. Of course expenses have grown similarly. What it does say however is that we are continuing to review each year our response and answering the call.
A brief statement about where we are going from the Treasurer....
The future for Brougham Place is encouraging. Our growth of young families, ministry with our young people and the intergenerational support of one other throughout the community are not experienced by all churches. We rejoice in the growth of this community but are not self-satisfied. This does not mean we cannot improve our position. There is much to be done. Not only do we wish to retain the ministries we have but also with appropriate funding we could expand our outreach. At the moment we are absolutely committed to the Mission and Service Fund of the Presbytery and Synod.
Beyond that we are financially as a church community able to contribute much more. Many in addition to their Brougham Place commitment financially support missions and charities throughout Australia and the world. This also is God's work.
The future of our outreach, our services to the Brougham Place Community and to the maintenance of our heritage building (a gift to the state of South Australia) is entirely in our hands. It will be what we wish it to be.