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Here are some prayers that are taken from the order of service. You might like to look at the Jesuit prayer site. Some of the prayers are responsive, with the leaders part in normal type and the response in italics.

Prayer of the People

Almighty God, we live in a world of beauty, wonder and mystery. Yet in this world there are people who suffer the effects of earthquake, war and disease.

Hear our prayers for our world.

We live in a country of peace, prosperity and opportunity. Yet in this country there are people who experience fear, alienation and poverty.

Hear our prayers for our nation.

We live with neighbours and friends who look to the future with joy and anticipation, with concerns and cares.

Hear our prayers for those we share our lives with.

Pastoral Prayer

Loving God, we move into the year with all our hopes and fears, joys and uncertainties. Remind us that we will face no circumstance where you are not already there waiting for us, and that you walk alongside us day by day.


The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be Your name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us in the time of trial and deliver us from evil
For the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory are yours
Now and forever.


Kwaset Lo Matat Likaŋ (The Lord's Prayer in Bari Language)

Baba likaŋ lo ki,
Ti kari kunök bulani bula.
Ti tumatiyan inot ti po.
Ti kulya kunök konani i kak ni gwoso ki.
Ti yi kinyo likaŋ lo lo lor.
Pitöki yi i toronjin kaŋ,
Gwoso nagon yi pitökindye
lepeŋat lo kondya yi arabat kilo.
Ko nyömörö yi i möriesi;
Nagon lwöki yi i kulya narok:

Kogwon nagon tumatyan ŋina konut,
ko riŋit, ko minyo,
Ŋupi ŋupi.