Public Windows 2000 Computer Setup

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This provides guidelines on setting up the public access internet computers in the hall


  • Compaq P800 with at least 10G hard disk and 256MB Memory
  • Compaq Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • 17" monitor, if available, others 15"
  • Speakers


  • Check that bios does not refer to PXE ROM
  • Boot order is Hard Disk Only for Windows 2000 Computers

Operating System

  1. Default Install of Windows 2000 using whole hard disk and NTFS. Place computers into HALLGROUP workgroup
  2. Intel 815 Video Driver
  3. Set Video Resolution to 1024x768 at 24 Bit color 85Hz
  4. Add in Read/Write all languages in regional settings
  5. From CD
    1. Windows 2000 SP4
    2. WIndows 2000 Rollup
    3. MSI Update
    4. .NET 1.0
    5. .NET 2.0
    6. Media Player 9
    7. Internet Explorer 6
  6. Windows Update
    1. Open Internet Explorer to Start. Change home page at this point.
    2. Express Update
    3. Turn on Automatic Updates
    4. Custom Update to catch all


  1. Firefox
  2. Adobe Players (test page at
    1. Flash
    2. Shockwave (Under Windows 2000 may require Microsoft GDI+ first, see see Adobe kb403302
  3. Microsoft Silverlight
  4. Java
  5. Acrobat Reader
  6. 7-Zip
  7. Clamwin Anti-virus



  1. Create a user Internet, (level user, not administrator)
    1. Setup with no password, non-expiring, cannot change
    2. Make this default logon

Cloned Setup

If using a Clonezilla clone

  1. Change the computer name to something unique
  2. Check the monitor resolution (1024x768) and refresh rate (70+)