Website and IT Report 2008
The church website ( has remained static with the exception of Music and Drama. A communications working group has reported to council, but this has still not resulted in the supply of current material such as preaching schedules and special service times so it can appear on the website. The number of unique visitors has remained around 600 per month. The most viewed page is the home page followed by information about Bishop Mvume Dandala. Other frequently visited pages include the Office Administrator job description, weddings and current events.
The hall computers have been upgraded with more memory (scrounged from various places) over the year giving satisfactory performance on all of them. Further memory has come to hand which now allows a current operating system, Ubuntu to be used on one of them instead of Windows 2000.
One task remains to complete the office cabling. I have continued to assist with the church’s computing needs, including providing support for the office computer, ministers and the Bari Cultural School.
Alex Sims
IT Co-ordinator